
ResolutionResolution takes our protagonist David away from his North Wales hometown to study and sees his small town mentality challenged by the bright lights and bright young things of a city university. The pandemonium of a clash of cultures ensues before the serious choices of a career beckon the hapless hero into the world of learning.

Set in the late 1970s and early 1980s, this book brings, as the title would suggest, resolution to the character of David. He is now grown and against many odds is about to start his studies at university, the first in his family. He struggles to make sense of this strange new culture. The first two books brought many laughs alongside the more deeper moments and observations of the main character, as he tries to make sense of his life, and this book continues with this. David arrives at university full of hope, eagerness and promise.

Resolution delivers a fascinating insight into the days when ‘working-class’ students had only began to enter the higher education world through their hard-earned academic merit.

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